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    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 6.1833 North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

  • Golden Raspberry - Lerosett is must for acne regimen.

    Have used this product for about a year and the results are great. This is part of my acne regimen to keep my skin clear. When I started using Lerosett I had really bad acne and would apply it to bumps and leave on overnite. By morning Lerosett clay would have dried up most bumps and skin felt much better.

  • Dahlia F. Torres - totally worth it!!!

    it prevents u from over eating.....and the rasberry vanilla tastes like ice cream...soooooooo good.....i lost 15 lbs in a month!!

  • MartiH - May be good for tax lawyers or accounts, but not regular tax payers

    I was looking for a guide to filing my taxes; something that told me what qualifies someone as a dependent, what deductions I could take, etc. Just normal tips so I could file my taxes without paying someone $30-50 to do it. This book is so obscure that's it's practically useless.

  • Erin Woodell - Get Running Sooner Postpartum!

    Like many new moms, I was in a big hurry to start exercising and losing baby weight. To my dismay, I learned that jogging strollers are not safe for infants. Enter the BOB Car Seat Adapter! My prayers were answered. This super simple attachment has made my BOB Revolution Flex able to accommodate the Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat. Now I can jog safely with my baby until he is big enough to sit in the BOB seat on his own. I love that the adapter makes the car seat face me so I can also look at my baby, talk, and interact with him while I run. The only downside to this adapter is the price-- it seems a bit steep but at the end of the day it is totally worth it to be able to be active and safe with your baby.

  • Jinmee - great buy

    For the price these are ablsolutely perfet. They have SO many different sizes I couldn't have asked for more. My boyfriend loved them, came with a convenient case you can even hang them on the wall. Best deal for the money, I searched everywhere on every site and this was the right purchase.

  • A_Plain_Janeite - It Truly Is An "Amazing" Oil!!

    If you don't know the benefits (and let me tell you, they are MANY) for this wonderful seed/oil, please look it up!

  • Charles V. Cocca - Fantastic Product!

    This thing is a powerhouse! I'm able to charge my iPhone at least seven times, plus charge my wife's Galaxy at the same time! It's defiantly worth the price! I highly recommend!