
Foot and Ankle Surgery in Dallas | Renova Foot and Ankle - FreeMyFeet is the official online home of Renova Foot and Ankle, exclusive providers of the AccuCision Procedure for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.

  • Foot Surgery - Bunion Treatments in Dallas, TX | Renova Foot and Ankle - Renova Foot and Ankle offers its patients the most advanced treatments for foot pain and bunions, including Tenex Health TX™ for removing harmful tissue.
  • Procedures and Conditions - Foot Surgery Dallas | Renova Foot and Ankle - Renova doctors in Dallas and San Antonio offer patients insightful diagnoses and advanced treatment options for foot and ankle pain.
  • Patient Reviews & Testimonials | Renova Foot and Ankle - At Renova Foot and Ankle, we forge strong relationships and provide personalized care to each patient. Read what our patients have to say about Dr. Sandhu.
  • Contact Renova - Foot Surgery Centers in Dallas, TX | Renova Foot - Renova Foot Centers serve Dallas, Texas with the most effective foot care against tarsal tunnel syndrome, bunions and general foot injury and pain.
  • Tenex Health TX - Foot Surgery in Dallas | Renova Foot and Ankle - Renova Foot and Ankle is one of the only doctors in DFW to provide Tenex Health TX, a minimally invasive treatment for Achilles Tendinitis and Plantar Faciitis.
  • Bunions Treatments - Foot Surgery Dallas | Renova Foot and Ankle - Bunions are a common cause of foot pain, and can be treated with bunion removal surgery by the skilled foot specialists at Renova Foot and Ankle in Dallas.
  • Plantar Plate Tear and Sprain | Sports Injury | Renova Foot and Ankle - A plantar plate tear can lead to pain and swelling in the toes and ball of the foot. Renova Foot and Ankle can treat foot injuries before symptoms worsen.
  • Ingrown Toenails - Foot Surgery Dallas | Renova Dallas Foot Surgeon - Ingrown toenails can cause pain and infection and pose serious health risks to some patients. Dr. Sandhu offers treatment at Renova Foot and Ankle Dallas.
  • Heel Pain - Dallas Foot Surgery | Renova Foot and Ankle - Dallas foot surgeon, Dr. Jaytinder Sandhu offers non-surgical solutions to heel pain problems like Plantar Faciitis at Renova Foot and Ankle.
  • Hammertoe & Mallet Toe | Renova Foot and Ankle - Hammertoe and Mallet Toe are common injuries resulting from foot trauma; this kind of traumatic foot injury can be treated at Renova Foot and Ankle, Dallas.
  • Arthritis Treatment - Joint Pain | Renova Foot and Ankle Dallas - Arthritis can lead to pain, swelling,and stiffness in the foot and ankle. Learn about your treatment options for arthritis at Renova Foot and Ankle.
  • Toe Pain - Corns and callouses | Ingrown Nails | Renova Foot and Ankle - At Renova Foot and Ankle, our foot specialists treat various causes of toe pain, including corns, callouses, ingrown toe nails, and plantar warts.
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - Symptoms and Treatment | Foot Surgery Dallas - Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome can lead to pain, numbness, and tingling on the bottom of the foot and ankle. Renova provides treatment for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • High Arch Foot - Pes Cavus Treatment | Renova Foot and Ankle - High arches can lead to complications and even foot injury. The foot surgeons at Renova treat High Arch Foot and can help prevent injury from high arches.
  • Tarsal Coalition Diagnosis and Treatment | Renova Foot and Ankle - Renova Foot and Ankle provides treatment for Tarsal Coalition in Dallas, TX. Our foot doctors help you and your children find relief from Tarsal Coalition.
  • The Plantar Plate Tear - Renova Foot and Ankle - A Plantar Plate Tear can be very painful and cause long term damage. Stay a step ahead with this infographic from Renova.
  • 5 Ways People with High Arches Can Avoid Foot Pain | Renova Foot - If you have high arches, you know what its like to suffer from foot pain. The doctors at Renova Foot and Ankle can help patients with high arch foot.
  • Support Your Feet In Style This Summer | Renova Foot and Ankle - Many summer shoes like flip flops and strappy heels can lead to foot pain and long-term foot conditions like Achilles tendinitis.
  • 10 Stretches to Prevent Foot Injury | Renova Foot and Ankle - These ten simple stretches will help prevent foot injuries and conditions like Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendinitis.

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  • Lemonacle - Free Code in the Review

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  • Marsha - Be patient

    I'm probably going to be a "lifer" with Realdose... My system was so off balance it took a couple of months to kick in... But when it did... I couldn't believe it! I cut my calories to 1200, but I've done that before and it didn't work.until I added Realdose.....I didn't exercise either( I should, I know)..., anyway, I love this stuff!!! Thanks Realdose and amazon!

  • D. Alm - Get some!

    I feel the effects of this one (sustained all day energy without the jitteriness and peaks and valleys experienced with coffee and energy drinks, and mental acuity) much more than I do the new BTT 2.0, but the new mango one tests way better. If the taste doesn't bother you stick with this one, I add a krystal lyte type powder of cherry or fruit punch to make it palatable.