ijarm.com Review:

IJAMR - IJARM,IJAMR,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH,Free Access Multidisciplinary Research Journal,science publishers,Advanced research multidisciplinary

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  • Arturo I. Dominguez - 2002 Toyota 4Runner was a change over year from the electric antenna so heads up, this did not work for me.

    This antenna showed to fit my '02 but fit depends on which antenna your vehicle has. Mine with a broken power antenna can not be refitted with this stubby without first replacing to a fixed antenna base like some came equipped in this year model...

  • Jennifer Elizabeth Hyndman - No body cavity?

    Not only are there no latex breasts under which to stash my miniature balloon bag, there are no body cavities in which to teach my child to hide illegal contraband such as a 4 ounce bottle of mouthwash. I was thoroughly disappointed that there was no upgrade feature wherein the figure could be demoralized in an xray booth. If this company wants to provide accurate products then the toy figures would also be mildly over weight. A second head could be included so that when the figure steps into the xray box so that they can be de-clothed by a stranger/s and possibly someone they know, then a more accurate expression could be rendered. One of embarrassment and realization that there is nothing that you can do to protect your dignity in a country run by fascist power-hungry war lords.