"R" - Doctor Kimi:

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Удобный прокат фото- видеотехники Frame RENTAL. Мы сдаем в аренду фотоаппараты Canon и Nikon, объективы Canon и Nikon, вспышки Canon и Nikon, занимаемся арендой звукового оборудования, cдаем напрокат кинокамеры Blackmagic и предлагаем в зять в аренду экшнкамеры GoPro и аксессуары ГоуПро напрокат.

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redcrescent.af: ‫Afghan Red Crescent Society‬

For the first time in 1929 in general park of Kabul city, a charity society was founded, which was incited and assisted by Kabul municipality. A number of philanthropist participated in the occasion and the aim was to help poor and victims of disasters.In response to suggestion of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ conference in 1951 held in Hague, the name of the society was changed to Mehrab Ahmar.