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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -76.7946 Maryland, United States

  • Samantha Matthew - So I have read numerous reviews on how awesome this product

    So I have read numerous reviews on how awesome this product, i decided that i was going to try it. Sorry guys i was so excited to try it out that I forgot to take before pictures so posting after pictures doesn't really make much sense, but i can tell you that this this is nothing short of AMAZING!. I did as instructed, soaked my feet before putting on the booties, I then put on some socks over it since i read some where that the heat actually helps. and i relaxed, played a few games on my tab. at about an hour and 10 mins ( i lost track of the time ),i removed the booties washed off my feet and went to bed. during the next 4 days after i was almost discourage, because it seems like business as usual, then on the 5th day,i soaked my feet and then VOILA! SKIN!!!! i was like a kid opening a new toy, skin skin disgusting peeling skin :) yayy!!! and the days ahead, i looked forward to the soaking and the peeling!!!, i would wake up and at the feet of my bed would be covered in dry dead skin, and what remained was soft feet :)!!!!!!!!!!!! no more cracked feet. I LOOOOOOVED IT. I wanna give 10 stars but unfortunately i can only give 5.. i'm already looking forward to a next treatment, but this did so much of a good job its definitely going to take a while before i get to use it again.

  • Christina Miskey - Wouldn't Recommend

    I have been using this book, as well as the 500 Vocabulary word Flashcards and the Math workbook to study for my upcoming GRE exam. After about two months of studying (my test is now about 3 weeks away), I have come to realize that I should have used other study materials and will likely purchase other branded items to finish my studying to ensure a good score on the test.

  • Momof4 - Awesome!

    Everything I expected! I laughed, I shook my head at folks who really need to do better, and I was inspired to not be "that person" lol. Such a fun read. I Love Luvvie!

  • reviewer - Excellent!

    Very high quality product and definitely easy to clean--does not stick! I'm very pleased with the product and can't say it has any flaws.