
NAMI Sacramento: Sacramento's Voice on Mental Illness - NAMI Sacramento is a grassroots, family and consumer self-help support and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with severe mental illnesses.

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  • JbBeatle - Excellent game and in my top 3 favorite Lego games ...

    Excellent game and in my top 3 favorite Lego games ever. The missions are bite sized perfect for the handheld and this game really looks and plays great. I wouldn't call it ground breaking at all..there's really nothing at all new here (for Lego game fans or anyone else)- but this game looks awesome on the 3ds and it's just fun to play. It is GTA like concerning "missions" (except you're a cop) and car stealing...but this is cute. And all the vehicles do each handle a little differently so that adds some fun to it. The plot and story line is cleaver and silly so I would think adults and kids would get different experiences with it. I recommend it to anyone who likes Lego games or just really well done good games. It doesn't take too long to beat it but I would imagine it would take quite awhile to 100 percent it. Riding around on pigs is ridiculously fun too for some reason. It's a pretty vast free roam for a handheld game....certainly worth the money and lots of replay value. I also have Lego City Undercover Wii U....that is a great game too.

  • md08 - Comb would not stay on my blow dryer as advertised ...

    Comb would not stay on my blow dryer as advertised. A few of the spikes broke after only a couple uses. I should have returned the item, but didn't because it wasn't worth the effort.

  • Lillian - Okay

    Be careful when you warm this up it will burn your scalp so let it cool off very well before using, I really couldn't tell a difference after using it.

  • Golden Raspberry - Lerosett is must for acne regimen.

    Have used this product for about a year and the results are great. This is part of my acne regimen to keep my skin clear. When I started using Lerosett I had really bad acne and would apply it to bumps and leave on overnite. By morning Lerosett clay would have dried up most bumps and skin felt much better.

  • happygonomad - Experts will lie to retain fees

    Readers take note: This is actually the first BAD review I have ever written about anything after many reviewable products! I renewed with my magic jack on April 7, 2014 after 6 months of fairly fault free service, though during that 6 months, I did not use my magic jack a lot. Immediately after my renewal I started noticing calls drop at least 3 times a day. As I thought magic jack was fairly reliable, I decided to use it frequently after renewing to talk to clients who paid me by the hour, and dropped calls were very unprofessional on my behalf! When I used the magic jack chat service to explain my problem, the operator told me about an update which could perhaps remedy the dropped call problem, and she tried to avoid talking about a refund at all costs. I decided to go ahead and try the update and see how it went before properly requesting a refund, as I was only 30 days into what the operator told me was '90 days to receive a full refund'. After two more weeks of calls being dropped, I purchased service through my local provider and contacted magic jack for a 'refund'. They conveniently told me there is no such guarantee. The operator even told me he 'understood' my position several times, but said there was nothing he can do. How very convenient for them! I am hoping this review will cause at least one person to open their eyes to this fraud of a service. If you want an every once in awhile phone and don't care about dropped calls, this can work great for you. If you want a reliable company and service, LOOK ELSEWHERE!!!!

  • Mom of 2 - Works perfectly!

    Fits my bassinet mattress perfectly, and it's a very nice, soft material. I actually bought two of them because it fit so well.

  • Jamie Higg - had heard nothing about it before I purchase it and I'm so glad I bought it

    I just happened to come across this book, had heard nothing about it before I purchase it and I'm so glad I bought it. I was hooked calling everyone I know who reads to start this book. I loved it all. I could not put it down. Once I was finished i started looking for some more of her books to buy.