
Tratamiento cabello - Tratamiento cabello, En promedio perdemos entre 100 y 150 (sobre un total de 300.0000) cabellos cada día, que generalmente son reemplazados por otros nuevos que crecen por debajo. Tanto en los hombres como en las mujeres, el crecimiento del pelo responde a factores hormonales. En las mujeres, el crecimiento del cabello puede alterarse durante el embarazo, el parto y la menopausia.

  • Tratamiento cabello - La caspa - Dos de cada diez personas sufren uno de los trastornos capilares que más afectan a la estética, la caspa. En invierno este problema se agrava, pero con los cuidados y productos apropiados puedes mantenerla a raya
  • Tratamiento cabello anticaida con Propecia (Finasterida) - La pérdida de cabello es un trastorno capilar que puede llegar a ocasionar en un elevado número de personas un problema de autoestima que puede incluso hacer necesario requerir tratamiento psicológico. Pese a no ser un problema grave y ser cada vez mayor cantidad de personas las que lo padecen, el culto a la imagen y los dictados de la moda en según qué épocas hace que los tratamientos de todo tipo del cabello sean de los más requeridos.
  • Alopecia areata - La alopecia areata en una enfermedad considerada de origen multifactorial, existen diversos factores que pueden influir en su aparición. Existe una predisposición genética, con frecuencia hay antecedentes familiares, por lo que se considera que existe algún tipo de predisposición genética. También influyen factores de origen psíquico como la ansiedad o el estrés
  • Tratamiento cabello - MINOXIDIL - MINOXIDIL Este principio activo es uno de los más efectivos y utilizados por vía tópica en los tratamientos dermatológicos para luchar contra la alopecia androgenética
  • Implante capilar - Implante capilar - Microinjertos. La técnica consiste en una microcirugía, son por lo general injertos de cabellos muy finos extraídos de las zonas en donde el cabello se mantiene, como en la nuca o a ambos lados de la cabeza, zonas en las cuales la genética no actúa
  • Dermatitis seborreica - La dermatitis seborreica es considerada una enfermedad descamativa de la piel que afecta sobre todo al cuero cabelludo y que hace que aparezcan unas escamas en la piel que pueden desprenderse al peinarse o tocarse el pelo o bien tener un aspecto graso también escamoso en otras zonas del cuerpo apareciendo tanto en adultos como en bebés antes de los tres meses de edad (en este caso se denomina costra láctea y es inofensiva y temporal).
  • Tratamiento cabello - Pilfood - Los suplementos Pilfood ayudarán al crecimiento de un cabello sano, así como al fortalecimiento del cabello dañado y quebradizo
  • Tratamiento cabello - Cuidados básicos para un pelo sano - Cuidados básicos para un pelo sano. La mejor información y recursos sobre todo tipo de calvicie. Tratamientos para el cabello.
  • Tratamiento y consejos para los cabellos secos, muy secos, rotos y quebradizos - Tratamiento y consejos para los cabellos secos, muy secos, rotos y quebradizos
  • Tras las vacaciones es fundamental realizarse una cura capilar de urgencia para recuperar el cabello - Volver de las vacaciones es un buen momento para una cura de belleza capilar. Nuestro cabello vuelve de la playa reseco y quebradizo por culpa del sol, el salitre del mar, el cloro y el viento
  • Tratamiento cabello - Política de cookies - La mejor información y recursos sobre todo tipo de calvicie. Tratamientos para el cabello.

    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 9.491 , Germany

  • Katy - Turned me into an avid flosser!

    This floss changed me from a reluctant flosser (I knew I should and tried to be good about it but by bedtime I'd tell myself I was too tired and skip...) into a floss evangelist! I actually look forward to flossing now - the flavors are so pleasant, the floss never shreds on the rough or tight areas between teeth, and my mouth feels so refreshed afterwards. I'm partial to the coconut flavor, but they're all really nice and not overpowering or fake-tasting. I will seriously not be buying any other brand of floss again - I'm a Cocoflosser for life.

  • LibraChick - Only practice test

    This is definitely not a studyguide. I is a book with different CLEP exams in it with no definition on incorrect answers, The book is only useful if you want to take a repetitive CLEP practice test.

  • mrsjmac - History of problems

    I just returned home with yet another computer that went belly up due to a Norton antivirus program. This is the third computer I've had to uninstall Norton. The computer repair person who repaired this computer advised me to never use Norton, it is full of bugs and problems, and that was the first thing he eliminated. I uninstalled it on a computer before, and the problems ended. The second one was uninstalled by a computer repair person, who advised me of the same problems with Norton, and apparently Norton will affect many other programs on your computer. It seems to act like a virus instead of preventing a virus. It has great abilities to destroy a computer in a number of ways. Anyway, according to the computer person, if you have Microsoft, it provides its own antivirus abilities that works better than purchasing a program. It's called Microsoft Essentials. It's maintenance free and provides the security you need without these costly and highly ineffective virus programs that have the ability to reak havoc on a computer. This last go-around every program had to be eliminated on my computer, and so I have a shell that I now have to recreate and load all programs again. It was a MESS! Just a heads-up. I'm sure there are a few folks out there who have had pretty good success with Norton, but if you start to experience problems, unable to bring up programs, unbelievably slow responses and programs you cannot pull up anymore no matter what you do, it could possibly be Norton and you might try uninstalling that first. You would think I would have learned a lesson the first time. But the HP computers I bought in 2010 already came loaded with Norton for two years. An uninstall on that would have saved me a lot of problems and money.

  • Dave H. - My Wife thanks you Breathe Right --- we all sleep better because of this product.

    Got these as a present from wife because lately I had been snoring worse than usual and keeping her up at night. I don't know how to fully describe it but when I sleep I usually have to partly breathe through my mouth....if I try to sleep with my mouth closed I almost feel like I am not getting enough air through my nose. About 30 seconds after putting the fist Breathe Right on it was as if I could suddenly breathe deeply....the result was almost instant. By the time I laid down in bed I could easily breathe fully through my nose without opening my mouth at all. As a mouth breather it was a weird sensation but a good one. 7 nights later and the snoring has pretty much fully stopped. I have been sleeping better and feeling more rested when I get up and more importantly my wife has been a lot happier in the mornings! I now understand why athletes would want to wear these all the time for sporting events.....they make that much of a noticeable difference in your breathing.

  • Mrs. JFK - Save your $$

    Very disappointed with the smell and taste of this product. Package instructions should be changed to read put 1/2 of this product w/ 1 pound of ground beef. Otherwise, it's too soupy and overwhelming. It has a real off putting sweet aftertaste, and overpowering taste of chipolte. I think its chipolte as I couldn't finish one taco.